Learning Pathways: Info in Minutes

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Asthma, allergies, and related conditions impact your health and quality of life. We understand that managing your health is a priority but can often be confusing. We have developed the Learning Pathways video series with you in mind. The Learning Pathways Series is a series of short videos about asthma, COPD, allergies, anaphylaxis, COVID-19, AERD and nasal polyps management and treatment — and more! You will learn helpful tips for managing these medical conditions. We review medications and other treatment options. This series is designed to help you and your community manage health and understand choices for treatment.

Quick Links to Video Pages
Icon of aspirin bottle for AERD learning videosAERD
Video Series
Icon of doctor for allergy immunotherapy video seriesAllergy Immunotherapy
Icon of a person struggling to breath for the anaphylaxis video seriesAnaphylaxis Video Series

Icon of an asthma inhaler for the Asthma video seriesAsthma
Video Series

Icon of lungs for the COPD video seriesCOPD
Video Series

Icon of person wearing mask for the Covid-19 video seriesCOVID-19 Video Series

eczema icon of handEczema Video Series

Icon of nose for Nasal Polyps video seriesNasal Polyps Video Series

Icon of aspirin bottle for AERD learning videos

Aspirin-Exacerbated Respiratory Disease (AERD) Video Series:

的AERD Learning Pathways series examines the basics of AERD and how it involves three medical conditions – asthma, nasal polyps and aspirin/NSAID sensitivity. It provides practical information on how to diagnose and manage AERD. What are the symptoms to watch for? What medications and treatment options are available? Can you get desensitized to aspirin to help reduce symptoms? Find out inour short videos on AERD设计的去al of answering your questions.

Icon of doctor for allergy immunotherapy video series

Allergy Immunotherapy Video Series:

的Allergy Learning Pathways series covers the basics of allergies, immunotherapy treatment options, and the importance of Shared Decision Making in immunotherapy. Do you or a loved one have allergies and need to understand environmental allergy symptoms as well as symptoms of anaphylaxis to watch for? Do you have questions about immunotherapy shots and tablets, how they are used, and what to expect? Want to partner with your healthcare provider in deciding the type of allergy immunotherapy treatment that is right for you? Theseshort videos on allergy immunotherapyare specifically designed to help answer these questions.

Icon of a person struggling to breath for the anaphylaxis video series

Anaphylaxis Video Series:

的Anaphylaxis Learning Pathways series covers the basics of anaphylaxis, a life-threatening allergic reaction, and appropriate anaphylaxis treatment. Do you or a loved one live with severe allergies and need to understand the signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis? Do you have questions about anaphylaxis and when and how to use yourepinephrineauto-injector? Anaphylaxis is a serious, life-threatening emergency, so it is always important to carry your epinephrine – it could save your life. Theseshort videos in the anaphylaxis seriesare specifically designed to answer your questions.

Icon of an asthma inhaler for the Asthma video series

Asthma Video Series:

的Asthma Learning Pathways series covers the basics of asthma, how to manage the disease, and the medications used to treat it. Do you need a general understanding of asthma and learn what to discuss with your healthcare provider? Are you confused about all the different ways to manage your asthma symptoms and maintain adequate control of your asthma? Do you know about the different medications used to treat asthma? Trying to understand how, when, and why asthma medications are used?Watch these short asthma videosfor useful information.

Icon of lungs for the COPD video series

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Video Series:

的Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Learning Pathways series covers the basics of COPD, how to manage it, and the medications used to treat it. Do you or a loved one have COPD and need a general understanding of the disease and what you may want to discuss with your healthcare provider? Do you need tips for how to stay healthy, avoid exacerbations, and manage your COPD? Struggling to understand the medications used to treat COPD and how, when and why they are used?的se short videos on COPDare specifically designed to help answer your questions.

Icon of person wearing mask for the Covid-19 video series

COVID-19 Video Series:

的COVID-19 Learning Pathways series covers the basics of COVID-19, how to reduce your risk of severe symptoms, and testing and treatment options. The emergence of COVID-19 has many people looking for answers. Are you looking to understand the basics of COVID-19 and how to keep you and your family safe? Do you need strategies to reduce your risk of contracting COVID-19 and spreading it to others? Do you have questions about which COVID-19 vaccine is right for you and the available treatment options? Theseshort videos on COVID-19are specifically designed to help answer these questions.

eczema icon of hand

Eczema Video Series:

的Eczema Learning Pathways series covers the basics of eczema, also called atopic dermatitis. It considers eczema in all skin colors so the condition is easily identified no matter the skin tone. The series addresses how eczema is diagnosed, managed and treated, with a focus on the role of nurses and how to make shared treatment decisions with healthcare providers. What are common eczema triggers? Can you take a bath with eczema? What medications options are available and when should they be used? Learn more bywatching our short eczema videos.

Icon of nose for Nasal Polyps video series

Nasal Polyps Video Series:

的Nasal Polyps Learning Pathways series covers the basics of nasal polyps, how to manage them, and the medications used to treat them. We designed this series to specifically answer your questions about nasal polyps. Are you wondering what nasal polyps are? Do you want to know the symptoms of nasal polyps and what causes them? Have you or a loved one been diagnosed with nasal polyps and want to understand the various treatment options? Theseshort videos on nasal polypsare designed with the goal of answering these questions.