Take Action: Federal Bills

With your help, we ensure that our elected federal leaders know what legislation is important to people with allergies, asthma and related conditions. Choose from the campaigns below to take action now. Your actions now will lead to new or improved federal laws and funding for federal programs that will save lives.

Current Federal Campaigns

Protecting Children with Food Allergies Act

Protecting Children with Food Allergies Act

One School One Nurse Act

One School One Nurse Act

Safe Step Act Campaign

Safe Step Act Campaign

HELP Copays Act Campaign

HELP Copays Act Campaign

CONNECT for Health Act

CONNECT for Health Act

Food Labeling Modernization Act

Food Labeling Modernization Act

Support Dillon’s Law

Support Dillon’s Law

See Take Action: Grassroots Advocacy

Sign up for Advocacy Updates

We will send you advocacy updates when we have news to share or advocacy actions you can take in your state or for federal issues of importance to people with asthma and allergies.